
Digital Storytelling

Ever wonder where to go to find a FREE resource for your students to create their own digital story?

Top 10 sites for Digital Storytelling
Digital Films - Quite simply one of the best digital storytelling sites around. This site is very user friendly w/ an iMovie HD feel and great for beginners!!
Myths & Legends - Excellent site for storytelling, can add characters, backgrounds, objects, etc. and great for education w/ an educational instance/portal.
Xtranormal - Very popular/fun site for digital storytelling. A very easy to use site where text is all that is needed to create an original story.
My StoryMaker - Great site for young readers to create a cartoon looking story.
Storybird - An excellent site for creating pictures books for storytelling.
Primary Access - Is a wonderful site for creating digital stories using historical stock footage.
Google Search Stories - A very easy site to use by selecting stock video/audio to create a digital story.
Zimmer Twins - A fun site where users select cartoon footage to create their very own digital story.
Zooburst - Is a brand new site for creating 3D/pop-up stories. A user can either upload their own image or use stock photos. Hopefully, audio/video integration will be coming soon!
Stage'D - A very impressive visual site where users choose their characters, backgrounds, and items to create their very own computer generated story.

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